
Recovery treatment consists in :


Kinetotherapy – 5 session / week
Therapeutic massage – 2 session / week
Bowen therapy – 1 session / week
Hydrotherapy – 1 session / week
Phototherapy – 1 session / week

Alba Iulia:

Kinesiology – 5 sessions / week
Mechanotherapy – 5 sessions / week
Hydro-kinetotherapy – 4 sessions / week
Occupational therapy – 2 sessions / week
Masaj – 5 sessions / week

Evolution is slightly favorable, with slightly decreased spasticity and discreet improvment of postural tone sitting.

Some photos from the therapies done in the year 2014 and others from the breaks between those.

Hydrotherapy Alba Iulia 2014


Kinetotherapy Alba Iulia 2014


Mechanotherapy Alba Iulia 2014


Spyder Alba Iulia 2014


Briana in park 18.03.2014

Bri 3 ani in parc

Briana Ney years eve 2014

bri cina revel

Briana sledding 31.01.2014

Hisilicon K3

Briana in Zalau 30.10.2014

Hisilicon K3

Hisilicon K3

Marisa Briana