Objectives 2015

Year 2015 is meant to be a great year with many goals, big, ambitious in terms of recovery Brian.

1. An assessment to Padua, Italy, Roberto Hoffman Center – about 400 euro
ACCOMPLISHED – total cost 500 euro

2. At least six sessions Maria Beatrice Recovery Center in Alba Iulia – about 15,000 lei
ACCOMPLISHED – 9 sessions, cost 16,200 lei therapies and accommodation, transport and food still 9.100 lei, additional therapies, physical therapy and hippotherapy since 7000 lei. Total cost 31,300 lei

3. A session Recovery Center in Spain, for TheraSuit therapy – about 3,500 euros !!!! Got programming May 18 to May 29
ACCOMPLISHED – Total cost 3200 euro

As financial report (amount gathered by the event Mini Marathon of Hope), the figures are: 8600 lei made from diverting 20% of tax (involving the three companies and the Romanian Orthodox Parish and the community Party represented by Mr. parent Bistrian Simion). 920 lei from selling various products on sale, many of them donated virtual store of Brian made dear friends. 3900 lei donations gathered money. Words of thanks are not enough to express what I had to convey. Together you create an opportunity that has come true, now called Barcelona therapies.

4. A 3-week session at Techirghiol – about 3,000 lei
Not accomplished. Objective 2016

5. Two sessions hyperbaric oxygenation in Tg Mures – about 13,000 lei
Not accomplished. 2016 Objectives

6. A device for the valve, which facilitates washing – about 1,000 lei
Not accomplished. 2016 Objectives

7. See especially kindergarten – about 600 euro
Accomplished: ZERO cost

And it is ready and a special seat for kindergarten. Now Bri take part in all activities as all other babies sitting at the table, we need to sit perched in the highchair or to be constantly connected educator or stool. Thanks Sulan Ana and thousand thanks craftsman who made this marvel and besides all this ne.am not relieved of about 600 euro budget because so costs one SF, branded foreigners and this super well done and finished, hand made production, ne.a was given. We kiss you. You are wonderful.
I can not help myself and without additions posting because I grow my heart when I see properly positioned, full compliance with medical indications, the whole concept seat being performed after measures her back line right back high enough not to tire quickly, back angles thigh, knee, shin, ankle sole all 90 degrees. Vb novel “to see how I lived and that”

8. Various devices for kinetic home – about 1,000 lei
A) for supporting devices purchased I.am hands with elbows straight. Cost 100 Euros
B) I received a free Bobath ball home for physical therapy
C) I got a free pair of shoes Orthopedic
D) are 2016 buy his foot orthotics, about 200 euro

9. Finalize establishment of an NGO fundraising and European funding for children with cerebral palsy different, the main beneficiaries of the 7 dwarfs founding fathers and as many children as special.
Host: Since September 2015, the NGO “Association of Children, smiles and dreams” and began work. Minimum costs, stamp duty only. Thank Miruna D. F. for involvement and help in setting up the association.

I said earlier this year that “as sick as it sounds, we hope to get them tick all.” I checked 3 of 9, but we managed to get in addition to 3 therapies Alba and another session in Barcelona .

10. A session at Barcelona www.metodoessentis.com
ACCOMPLISHED – Total cost 3000 euro

Financially, I started to gather the sum of September and so, with the help from companies and parishes, friends and many people with big hearts who have donated various amounts, by November we had gathered the sum of 1,500 euros.
The remainder and what gathered in addition to the event organized by a dear family and heart, Adina and Vasi Vuescu, and the dream became reality.
In the “Serial Banat” gathered 184 people. The money gathered from the price of the menu and donations are 13 900 RON. Mostly everything that was possible because the artists managed Ramona and Petre Vita, Olguta Aries Teleaga Alex Dumitru-Meck deaf Andrei Muntean Constantin Remus Novac Stefan Radomir Jovanovic Moaca Darius Darius Matthew Darabant very much, and thank them for their support. Thank you for hosting and supporting complex Restaurant Flonta Flonta Daniel Ion. Thank you for pictures and video Foto Ludwig Lau and Dani and Peti’s Pervulescu for help. Thank you all! God help you! Facebook message Vasi Vuescu. Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/735469873250602/
We have part of the amount needed for a new session of 2016.

11. Therapies in Timisoara: kineto 20 sessions / month, massage 4 sessions / month, psycho-ergo-speech 20 sessions / month.
ACCOMPLISHED : total cost for the year 2015 18.000 lei.

All 2015 ended with a treatment cost which reached around 80,000 lei. Year 2016 promises to be crowded, but 5 years old and at this age brain plasticity, makes us want to have access to therapies Briana performance and varied. God bless !!!

Marisa Briana